In ExpenseWatch, there must be at least 1 employee set up as No Limit Approver who can approve a transaction of any amount.
This article will show you, as an Administrator, how to configure a No Limit Approver.
Please Note: An employee must have the appropriate Approval permission at the root and is removed from the approval chain at below every child business units before they can be added as a No Limit Approver at the root. You can check out the article on User Permission or User Role.
Step 1: Go to the Policies tab.
Step 2: The Business Unit Configuration page will appear. Click the root Business Unit name.
Step 3: Click the S.A.F. tab.
Step 4: Click the transaction that you want to configure the No Limit Approver for.
Step 5: Click the checkbox under No Limit and Add. Once finished, click Update.