ExpenseWatch allows Administrators or Approvers to add another user as the delegate approver who can approve transactions on behalf of others. This allows others to leave the office for any period of time without delaying time-sensitive transactions that need approval.
This article will show you how to configure delegate approver.
Please Note: You must have User Approval Delegation enabled in the Company Preferences
Please Note: The delegate must have the appropriate approval permission and Approval Delegate permission to be added as a delegate approver.
Configuring a delegate approver as an Administrator
Step 1: Go to the Policies tab.
Step 2: Click User Approval Delegation.
Step 3: Enter the user's name that will be leaving the office for period of time, and click Search.
Step 4: Click the user's name or Activate.
Step 5: Enter the Date Range and click Activate. The Date Range is how long the delegation will valid.
Step 6: A confirmation message will appear.
Step 7: Select the delegate in the drop-down menu for the transaction type that you want the user to approve. Click Save Delegates.
- First Delegate: When you are out of office, your First Delegate approves transactions on your behalf.
- Second Delegate: When your First Delegate is out of office, then the Second Delegate will receive the transaction to approve.
Step 8: A confirmation message will appear
Configuring a delegate approver as an Approver
Step 1: Under the Tasks section, click Edit My User Account.
Step 2: In the Approval Delegation section, enter the Date Range and click Activate.
Step 3: A confirmation will appear.
Step 4: In the Approval Delegation section, click Setup Delegates.
Step 5: Select the First Delegate and Second Delegate, click Save.
Step 6: A confirmation message will appear.