ExpenseWatch can be configured to allow for Projects to be restricted to business units. This will restrict the projects that can be selected by a user within a transaction based on the business unit that was selected.
This article will show you how to enable project restriction and manage the association.
Enabling GL Restriction
Step 1: Go to the Policies tab.
Step 2: Click the root Business Unit.
Step 3: Click the Company Pref. tab.
Step 4: Scroll down to the Transaction Settings section, click the checkbox next to Restrict Projects by BU.
Step 5: Scroll down to the bottom of the page, click Save.
Managing Project Association
Step 1: Go to the Budgeting tab.
Step 2: Under the Projects section, click BU/Project Restriction.
Step 3: The Associate Projects to Business Units page will appear.
Step 4: Click the projects that you wish to associate with, and click Add.
Please Note: To select multiple projects, hold the SHIFT key on your keyboard and select the projects.
Step 5: The projects will appear in the Check selections section.
Step 6: To see all the business units you can assign this project to, in the Check Business Units to assign selections to section, click the plus icon to see all business units.
Step 7: To assign this project to certain business unit(s), in the Check Business Units to assign selections to section, click the checkbox next to all business units that you want to be able to view and charge to this project and click Save Associations.
Step 8: Click OK.