ExpenseWatch can be configured to allow for T&E Categories to be restricted to business units. This will restrict the expense categories that can be selected by a user within a transaction based on the business unit that was selected.
This article will show you, a user with Configure Expense Report permission, how to manage T&E category/BU restriction.
Please Note: If a new business unit is created, T&E category must be associated to allow users to submit expense reports within that business unit.
Please Note: If a new T&E category is created, it must then be associated to business units in order for the user to have access to place expense line items against it in the expense report.
Step 1: Go to Expense Reports tab.
Step 2: Under the Administration section, click T&E Category / BU Associations.
Step 3: The Associate T&E Categories with Business Units page will appear.
Step 4: Click the plus icon next to the Business Unit name to see all the children business units.
Step 5: To associate categories, click the business unit name.
Step 6: Click the checkbox next to the category name that you wish to associate with and click Save Associations.
Please Note: If this business unit has children business units and should have the same T&E categories associated as its parent, click the checkbox next to Force child business units to inherit these associations.
Step 7: A confirmation message will appear.