The Budget vs. Actual Report is a Up-to-the-minute report on budgeted expenditures vs. actual expenditures. You can view expenses for T&E reports, T&E vouchers, purchase orders, requisitions, and/or invoices, on either a business unit level or a transaction level. T&E expenses and vouchers may be further separated into billable and non-billable expenses, to provide a more granular level of detail.
You also have the option to include expenses from deactivated business units along with expenses from active business units.
Step 1: Go to Reporting tab.
Step 2: In the Spending Reports section, click Budget vs. Actual.
Step 3: Choose to list the report by Business Unit or General Ledger Account.
Step 4: Select Business Unit or Account from the drop-down menu.
Step 5: Manually enter the Date Range, or select a date range from the -- Date Range -- drop-down menu.
Step 6: Select what transactions you want to include by clicking the checkbox next to the items.
Step 7: Click Run Report.
Step 8: Your report result will appear below.
Step 9: To view the transaction lists, click the amount in the Actual spend column.
Step 10: You're now viewing all the transactions that make up the amount spend. To move from the transactional level to the transaction detail level, click the transaction title.
Step 11: The details will show on the transaction detail page.