The Aging Report helps users track transactions and reduce the approval turnaround time by providing information about the transaction’s approval state. It displays, for selected transaction types, the transactions that have been routed but not yet approved by all approvers in the Signature Authorization Form.
Users can select the “age” of the transactions they would like to review, according to the number of days or weeks the transaction has been in the approval process, and click on Approvers to drill down to the transaction details, including the names of the approvers who have reviewed, or are reviewing, the report.
Users also have the ability to email approvers who are reviewing the SAF and manually escalate transactions to the next approver in the SAF. When expenses are manually escalated to the next approver, both the pending and next approvers receive email notifications.
The Aging Report is available for requisitions, purchase orders, invoices, travel vouchers, and T&E reports.
Step 1: Go to the Reporting tab.
Step 2: In the General Reports section, click the Aging Report.
Step 3: First, enter the age of the data you want to appear in the report. Select either a range of Days or Weeks, and enter in the range. This is how long the transaction have been pending approval.
Step 4: Select the Transaction Types you would like to appear in the report and click Run Report.
Step 5: Your report result will appear below.
Step 6: Click the transaction title to view the transaction details, or click the message icon in the Approver column to view the approval detail.
Step 7: If you see an icon in the Manual Escalation column, you have the ability to manually escalate the transaction forward to the next-level approver. You won't have an icon appear in this column if it is with the last-level approver before Accounting Reviewer.