Receipt OCR enables expense report submitters to snap pictures of receipts using the ExpenseWatch Mobile app and then have the system automatically extract key information from the image which will be used to populate fields on the expense line item.
The receipt image and the OCR data will only be available in the web application under the Receipts tab at the top of an expense report. The receipt image itself without the OCR data will be available in the receipt queue of the mobile app.
If you have not installed the ExpenseWatch Mobile App on your device, it can be downloaded from the Google Play Store for Android devices and the iTunes App Store for iPhones.
Uploading Images to the Receipt Tab
Step 1: After launching the ExpenseWatch mobile app and signing in, select Capture Receipts.
Step 2: Capture a receipt by using the Cameral Roll or Camera option.
Step 3: This is an example of using the Camera option. Once you have snapped your image, select Use Photo.
Step 4: A receipt name can be entered or the system generated receipt name can be used. Select Upload Receipts to ExpenseWatch.
Step 5: Once the image has been uploaded successfully, you will receive a confirmation message.
Step 6 (Optional): The receipt image can be accessed from within the mobile app when editing a line item or creating a line item on an expense report.
Please Note: When associating a receipt to a line item within the mobile app, the OCR functionality is currently not supported. Therefore, the OCR data that is captured will not populate fields within the expense line item. In order to take advantage of the data that has been captured by the OCR process, use the online web applicate to add the receipt to the line item.
Using Receipt OCR on the Expense Report in the Web Application
Step 1: Create a new Expense Report or select one of your reports In Progress.
Step 2: Under the Charges, Itinerary Items, and Receipts section, click the Receipts tab. Here you will see all of the receipts you have uploaded into the system.
- New OCR Columns: The OCR Process will attempt to read the Vendor, Receipt Date, and Total information from the image.
- OCR Status: As OCR is processing the image, the status icon will change from In-Progress to Complete.
Step 3: In the event, the OCR captured the information incorrectly, use the Edit to modify the data captured by the Receipt OCR process.
Step 4: The receipt image will appear on the left and the Name of the Receipt, Vendor, Date, and Total can be edited. Once finished, click Save.
Step 5: Drag & Drop the receipt or select multiple receipts and click Add to Report to add the receipts into the Expense Report Details section of the Expense Report.
Please Note: If a credit card charge, travel items or linked item is merged to the same expense report line item, the data from these sources will take precedence over the data from the receipt.
Please Note: If the line item is deleted, the receipt image will be placed back into the Receipts tab.