This article will show you how to submit an AP invoice.
Step 1: Under the Tasks section, click Submit an Invoice. Or, go to Invoices tab and click Submit.
Step 2: Choose to create a new invoice or select an invoice under Your Invoices In Progress.
Step 3: When creating a brand new invoice, you have two options:
- Select a Vendor: Choose the vendor that the invoice is coming from.
- Enter PO Number: Enter the purchase order number that the invoice is coming from. This will allow the system to select the vendor from the PO.
Step 4: Enter the Invoice Date and the Invoice Number. Click the Arrow icon to allow ExpenseWatch to generate a unique Invoice Number for you.
Step 5: Click Create invoice.
Step 6: To edit the Header, click Edit button.
Step 7: Edit the Invoice Number and Invoice Date, enter Comments, change the BillTo Department, Credit Card field (if an invoice was paid with a credit card), Check Number field (if an invoice was already paid via Check), and attach any necessary files. Click Save Changes when complete.
Step 7: Next, add your products. You can add items in a few different ways:
- Search: Search product description in your company's catalog and click Search
- Display products alphabetically from this vendor: Choose from products in your compay's catalog.
- Create New Product: Create new ad-hoc product for this invoice.
- Add from Packing List or Add from Purchase Order: You will see one of these two options depending on the vendor preference. By clicking one of these options, you can add items from an open packing list or purchase order.
Adding Items from Company's Catalog
Step 1: Use either Search or Display products alphabetically from this vendor.
Step 2: Click Add.
Step 3: In the Line Items box, you will see all of the products you've added to your invoice. You can edit the Qty Ship, Price, Business Unit, GL, and Project. When complete, click Save.
Adding Items from a Purchase Order or Packing List.
Step 1: Click either Add from Purchase Order or Add from Packing List.
Step 2: The Add Line Items from Purchase Order(or Packing List) page will appear. Once you've found a product you would like to add to your invoice, click the Checkbox under the Add.
Please Note: Click the Close checkbox if you've received all items from the corresponding Packing List.
Step 3: Click Add Items to add the items to your invoice.
Step 8: Once you add items to your invoice, you have one of the following options:
- Edit: Re-open the line item so you can edit it again.
- Allocate: Allows you to allocate the line item across multiple Business Units, GLs, or Projects.
- Remove: Removes the line item from the invoice.
Step 9: Enter your Footer information by first selecting your footer type from the Select Footer Type drop-down menu.
Step 10: When you're done editing all of your line items, you have three options to continue:
- Delete: Deletes the entire invoice.
- Close: Saves the invoice to come back later.
- Route: This will send the invoice off for approval.
Then, click Route.
Step 11: You will be brought back to the Invoices page where you will see a message that Your invoice has been routed successfully.