The User Approval Report displays the approval activity of all users that have the approval permission.
The report can be run by Transaction Type, Approval Type, and the Approval Action. A date range must be entered, and the report can be run for a specific user or all users.
Step 1: Go to Reporting tab.
Step 2: In the General Reports section, click User Approvals.
Step 3: Click the right arrow icon to expand the Seach Criteria.
Step 4: Select the Transaction Type, Approval Type, and Action.
Step 5: Enter the Date Range and User Search.
Step 6: Click Run Report.
Step 7: Your report result will appear below.
Step 8: To view the user's approved transactions, click the user's name.
Step 9: All of the user's Approved Transactions will appear below. For details on a specific transaction, click the transaction title.
Step 10: The transaction detail will appear.